The St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System is unique in that our schools are filled with amazing people who nurture and encourage the students who come through our doors to become Learners, Believers and Friends!
Xavier Middle School student working on laptop" />
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
September 119:00 AM - 10:00 AM
September 209:00 AM - 10:00 AM
September 26of Xavier Catholic Schools students receive some sort of scholarship or tuition assistance
in college scholarships was earned by our recent graduates
Over the past 15 years, Xavier has had the highest ACT in the Fox Valley
Xavier High School has won 27 State Athletic Championships
students that are part of the year-round Xavier child care program
In the past four years, the graduating class performed 12,228 hours of Christian service in their parish, school, or community
22 cities & 18 countries
Xavier students reside in 22 cities and 18 countries worldwide