Completing the Clinical Fellowship (CF) Experience

The Clinical Fellowship (CF) involves a mentored professional experience that begins after the completion of academic coursework and clinical practicum. The CF is designed to:

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Step 1

Earn a Graduate Degree From a CAA-accredited Program

Transition from being a student to becoming an independent provider of clinical services. Verify that all academic coursework has been completed and apply for certification any time before, during, or after your CF experience.

Step 2

Find a CF Setting and Mentor

Ensure the facility can provide you with the opportunity to evaluate, habilitate, or rehabilitate individuals with speech and language disorders. Verify online that your mentor holds an active CCC-SLP certification.

Step 3

Contact Your State Board

Familiarize yourself with your state licensure requirements; licensure and certification are separate! Many states require you to have an interim license as you complete your CF.

Step 4

Set Expectations

Confirm your mentor will complete 18 direct hours and 18 indirect hours of observation. Establish goals with your mentor and determine the kind of CF experience you prefer. Know the ASHA Code of Ethics and understand your responsibilities and your mentor's.

Step 5

Fill Out the CFSI Together

Review the Clinical Fellowship Skills Inventory (CFSI) [PDF] with your mentor at the end of each segment, and focus on areas that need improvement based on their feedback. Continue to verify your mentor's CCC-SLP status before and after each CF segment. Use your mentor as a resource; after all, they were once a Clinical Fellow too!

Step 6

Confirm You Are on Track

Participate in feedback sessions with your mentor at the end of each CF segment. Complete a minimum of 36 weeks worked, totaling no less than 1,260 hours.

Step 7

Final Feedback Session

Earn a rating of "2" or better in the final segment for each of the core skills to quality for approval by the ASHA National Office. Keep a copy of all forms for your records..

Step 8

Complete the Online Application

Submit your application for the CCC-SLP along with the dues and fees payment using the online application system.

Step 9

Confirm With the National Office

You will receive email confirmation from the National Office when your certification has been awarded—make sure you receive this before you begin signing with the CCC-SLP. Pay annual dues and fees while you are an applicant in the process for certification.