Free Home Inventory Templates

A Home Inventory is an itemized document completed to list the physical assets found in residential premises.

The owner of the property or the individual that rents it can benefit from an instrument filled out to contain the names of items that belong to them even if there are no valuable objects in the residence - possessions that hold sentimental value based on happy associations in your mind also require occasional decluttering; moreover, this way, you will see what is missing and respond in a timely fashion.

For a full list of Home Inventory templates please check out our library below.

Home Inventory Template Types

Why Should You Complete a Home Inventory?

There are several reasons to examine household possessions and prepare a Home Inventory List:

  1. You have decided to purchase home insurance - the coverage in question is supposed to help you replace the items that were stolen or destroyed . The claim you make has to be based on the list of belongings the insurance provides approves before determining the correct amount of settlement you are entitled to.
  2. There may be possessions the insurance does not extend to - a proper Home Inventory Worksheet can be used to qualify for a tax deduction . Attach a copy of the document to confirm the market value of the assets you lost and apply for a tax deduction to reduce the amount of tax you currently owe.
  3. Improve your home management skills - whether you want to organize hundreds or even thousands of objects you have at the moment, sell or donate the items, or make sure upcoming relocation does not lead to material loss, it is a useful tool that will optimize the way you maintain your household.

How to Create a Home Inventory?

Here are some tips for the person that plans to draft an inventory of the possessions located in their household:

  1. While it is possible to download software created to sort out different items and establish an electronic Home Inventory system, it is not compulsory - a simple spreadsheet that stores data and calculates the value of the belongings if necessary is enough. It is advised to fill out a digital version of the inventory - you can easily update it on your phone or computer.
  2. A Home Inventory Spreadsheet usually includes the following details that describe the items: their names, the category they belong to, a brief description of the objects (depends on the owner - for instance, it is possible to indicate the year the item was purchased or manufactured), their condition, and approximate value . Insert this information in the table and fix errors if you notice them in the future.
  3. You can save time if you take pictures of the items and then describe them in the worksheet . Besides, photos that have date and time stamps will serve as one of the main proofs for your claim submitted to tax authorities or an insurance company. Take photos every time you conduct an inventory to update the details.
  4. Schedule an inventory on the day no new items arrive and no one in your household interferes with the process by taking the objects you want to examine and describe . Consider setting aside one day a year to inspect the place and check whether the existing inventory contains inconsistencies or requires modifications.

Still looking for a particular template? Take a look at the related templates and forms below: