Service User Feedback/Complaints

We want to give the best service to all our residents, services users and clients, and their relatives and carers. Usually we succeed – but sometimes things can go wrong. When this happens, we want to hear about it so we can put things right.

The information below tells you what to do if you are unhappy with the service we have provided to you, a relative, or someone in your care. You can also tell us if you are unhappy if we have not provided a service that you think we should have provided. You can complain if you are:

How to Complain/Provide Feedback

Wherever possible, you should tell someone close to the cause of your feedback / complaint for example, a doctor, nurse, or receptionist. In many cases the problem can be sorted out straight away. If you cannot agree or find it hard to approach the person, ask to speak to their manager.

If you still cannot agree or find it hard to approach the Manager, contact the Service User Feedback Team, we are here to help you.

To contact the Service User Feedback Team you can:

Service User Feedback

Clinical and Social Care Governance Department

Lurgan Hospital Site

100 Sloan Street

To submit your feedback please complete the form below.

Further Information:

Your complaint will be acknowledged within two working days of receipt and it will be investigated thoroughly and confidentially. We aim to respond to your feedback/ complaint in full within 20 working days, to address your concerns and let you know of any actions taken as a result. However, some complaints take longer to resolve than others. We will tell you if it becomes clear that we cannot respond within the timescales and we will explain why. At any stage a meeting can be arranged to discuss your feedback/ complaint when you may be accompanied by a relative, friend or someone from the Patient Client Council.
We are committed to doing our best to resolve any complaint you may have. If having received our reply you are still not happy, please contact the Service User Feedback Team within one month. We will discuss the options available which may help to resolve any outstanding issues, and can explain how you can take your complaint further.

If you remain dissatisfied, you can refer your complaint to the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will consider your feedback/ complaints to determine whether they will investigate.
Although you have the right to approach the Ombudsman at any time, The Ombudsman will not usually take on a case which has not first been through the Complaints Procedure.
Further information on the services of the Ombudsman is available by contacting: Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
Freepost NIPSO
Freephone: (0800) 34 34 24
Text Phone: (028) 9089 7789

Throughout the complaint investigations you also have a right to seek the help of the Patient and Client Council (PCC). The PCC is an independent body, set up to represent your interests in Health & Social Care. They can provide free and confidential advice, information and help throughout the complaints process, help with writing letters, making phone calls, supporting you at meetings or assisting with bringing your complaint to The Ombudsman. You can get more information about the PCC at:
Freephone: (0800) 917 0222
Email: The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) is the independent Health and Social Care regulatory body for Northern Ireland. Further information about services provided by RQIA is available at:
Tel: (028) 9051 7500

The Trust has produced an information leaflet for the public in various languages and formats, which tells you what steps to take to provide feedback/ complaint about any services provided by the Trust. If you require information in other languages please contact the Service User Feedback Team. Phone: (028) 37564600